©Kirton News 2025

May 2008

The Editors Letter

Dear readers, the weather is so unpredictable: at Easter we had snow, hail, sleet, rain and sunshine – about the only thing we didn’t have was thunder. Chaz, one of our two young cats reacted very strangely caught in a hailstorm in our back garden – he simply ran round and round in circles – he definitely was not a happy bear!

We know most of our readers get the magazine through their letter boxes but this may have to change because we have run out of volunteers who kindly donate their free time to do this so please, please contact our Secretary if you can help out. Its only ten times per year and wouldn’t take you to long to do it.

Talking of volunteers its absolutely great that Catrina Morley and friends are making a success out of the youth club. We all complain about the ‘hoodies’ but what is there to do for the teenagers in Kirton in the evenings. Contact Catrina (details inside); I’m sure she can use your help or donation in some way. Its easy to moan – better to get out there and help in any way you can.

Regrettably we are ceasing printing Kirton Crosswords. The composer – Ken Pearson is busy on another project for the time being.

Roger Booth


Kirton News Needs Distributors

This entails pushing the magazine through letterboxes ten times a year. Our Secretary, Mary Rayner tel 722633 allocates the rounds so please contact Mary. You collect the issues from the afternoon of the last Thursday of the month onwards.

Just think – you would be doing Kirton a big favour and getting fit all at the same time!


Friends of King’s Church Kirton Offers You ‘Open Doors’

On Wednesday evenings in Kirton Town Hall, Upsall Room, from the 12th March onwards. Come to relax and enjoy friendship – ALL AGES. New to the UK? We’ll help you to get to know us and introduce you to new friends. New to the village? We’ll help you to get to know us and introduce you to new friends. Been here sometime? It will be good to meet you.

‘Open Doors’ is a time to share interests, tell us your stories, share problems or simply enjoy the company. Feel like coming to help – just turn up. Remember, every Wednesday is your special ‘Open Doors’ evening 7 – 9 pm. Free to all, see you there.

Friends of King’s Church, Kirton.
For further details or transport phone 01205 723259.


Tiny Totz

We are a voluntary led Parent & Toddler Group 0-3 years who meet at the Kirton Youth Centre Fridays 10am -12pm. Relax and meet new people, get involved in messy play and sing silly songs and nursery rhymes. Admission £1.50 per adult, children are FREE.

Lisa Simpson, Tel 724029


From The Revd John D Trinder - May I Thank You!

For the birthday card I received this morning, Wednesday 2nd April, the occasion of my 80th birthday. The signatures brought back many happy memories. Through the medium of the Parish Magazine both Beryl and I thank Joyce for her constant effort that keeps us in touch.

As we are now both in the ‘over 80’s group’ we are thankful that we are in fairly good health. The wonderful poem ‘I’m very well thank you’ underlines the fact that the years pass, as does the sad list of all those we knew who have died since we left Kirton.

We miss Jessops, where I could guarantee to cause havoc inside 5 minutes and the Stuffed Chine from Beesons. The memory of the Royal British Legion’s supper lingers. Many thanks for your kind thoughts, may God bless you all.

John & Beryl Trinder


Sutterton Parent & Toddler Group

In Sutterton in the village hall, the parent & toddler group are desperately looking for new families to join the small but very friendly playgroup. It runs every Monday from 9.30am until 11.00am, with tea and coffee available, with juice and biscuits for the children.

Due to the recent new school year, the numbers attending have dropped alarmingly, and so Norma, who runs the meetings, is appealing for anyone with pre-school kids to come along and have a look. All are welcome, and no pre-booking required. It only costs £1 to cover the cost of the drinks, so is reasonably priced too! Hope to see you there.


Kirton Youth Club Grows and Grows

We now have 110 members which is fantastic! I must say I am having trouble remembering all of their names. I would like to thank a gentleman from Kirton End who donated over 23 games and crafts and 2 pc’s. I believe his name was Simon and he is moving home so I wish him all the best in his move. 

Also a big thank you to Dominque Darbost who donated more than 3000 pens.
The young members have attended a first aid course with St John's Ambulance and made flower arrangements, baked and decorated cakes recently. We also had a karaoke night (my ears are still ringing) and a quiz night.

We are looking to have a jumble sale soon to help raise funds so if you have any old clothes bric a brac etc please give me a ring or pop in on a Wednesday night at the Youth Centre between 7pm and 9pm. Thank you for your continued support.

Catrina Tel. 01205 722560

Editor’s Note: I think Catrina and her helpers deserve a huge thank you for all their time and effort.

Blast from the Past
This was part of a 1st April spoof written by the Editor Aubrey Woods in the April 1977 edition of our forerunner ‘The Church in Kirton’.

South Lincolnshire Boom! - The full exclusive story by Aubrey Woods.

Rumour has been rife for some time concerning the possibility of the Kirton area being a probable site for the exploration of oil and from information I have recently received I am able to reveal that an extensive survey has been going on for some time under a strict cloak of secrecy carried on by the Trikon Oil Company, a subsidiary of one of the larger oil combines.

The first inkling that the Kirton area could be the centre of a vast oilfield came when test borings for water were carried out on land occupied by Cnr. Richard Foster at Donington Road, Kirton End. Following two successive summers of severe drought it was Cnr Foster’s intention to construct a reservoir on his farm so that he could irrigate his crops during any future period of drought. However when the water from the first bore hole was tested it was found to contain traces of crude oil and although the water was unsuitable for Cnr Foster’s purpose it opened up immense possibilities in other directions.

Everyone was sworn to secrecy while further test borings were made in the Kirton district, several of which showed distinct promise but the outstanding find was made on the Kirton out-marsh just over the sea bank and it is estimated that when in full production in about six years time this will be equal to anything as yet found in the North Sea.

Naturally this important discovery will transform Kirton over the next few years and I can discover that plans are already being made for a network of new roads, together with and extensive building programme; houses for the influx of executives, technicians and workmen and also a large range of specialist buildings to house all the sophisticated equipment necessary in a project of this magnitude. Plans are also in hand for a large area of the out-marsh to be reclaimed and the building of a Wash Barrage to transform the Wash into a gigantic reservoir.

Editor’s Note: No don’t think your house will treble in price overnight! Sadly Aubrey passed away the following year – he was obviously quite a character.


Memories of a Marine Engineer - Part 6

I joined one of the fleet’s oil tankers as acting 5th engineer at Stanlow; a Shell oil refinery near Birkenhead. This was my first tanker which was very new being less than a year old. She was capable of carrying just over 37, 000 tons of crude oil or heavy fuel oil – at the time a moderate size but the cabins were very swish compared with other vessels I had sailed on.
The engineers worked a two handed watch system with a fifth engineer carrying out duties together with a fourth or third engineer. Duties consisted of a four hour watch followed by an eight hour off period but you were expected to be in the engine room at least ten minutes before the watch to check over the machinery before discussing the situation with the outgoing watch. Each watch also had a boiler man and greaser.

The machinery consisted of a three stage steam turbine fed with superheated steam at about 600 Lb/in² from two water tube boilers. Imagine the steam coming from your domestic kettle. This is 'wet' or 'saturated' steam. Superheated steam is simply wet steam fed back into the boiler in a very hot section thus absorbing far more energy and also eliminating any entrained water droplets which would destroy the high pressure stage turbine blades. What is a turbine? Its simply a round shaft on which are mounted rows of blades so that the steam forces the shaft to rotate rather like a windmill.

Turbines are more efficient at high speeds so invariably they were equipped with a reduction gearbox so that the propeller shaft rotated at no more than 120 revolutions per minute. Conversely propellers, especially for large vessels, are efficient at relatively low speeds.

Enough of the technical stuff! Our ship did obtain claim to fame in the movie ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ made in 1962. There is a scene in the film which shows the funnels and upper parts of ships of vessels passing through the Suez Canal. Our ship; easily identifiable because of the funnel colours and stylish backward rake appears in the film but she was built in 1960 whilst the actual historical events took place during the time of the 1914-1918 great war!

The majority of time we carried crude oil from Minah Al Ahmadi in Kuwait to a BP refinery in Aden in what is now South Yemen. It was not a good run for us because the steaming time between ports was only about four days and the Persian Gulf is as hot as h____ in summer! Steam turbine plants run very smoothly when they have a chance to settle down (at least a day), and the boiler room in the heat of the Gulf was unbearable. How stokers managed with coal fired boilers I cannot imagine; at least ours were oil fired so there was no coal shovelling but fifth engineers had another cross to bear - greasing soot blowers. Each of our two boilers were equipped with eight electric soot blowers which had to be greased nightly at sea. A soot blower is simply a long tube with nozzles along its length which fed steam onto the boiler tubes to clean away accumulated soot. The mechanism rotated the tube and also retracted the tube after blowing so that the tube wasn't destroyed by the furnace gases. One had to grease each blower by hand after the event which doesn't sound too bad until you realise the temperatures on top of the boilers were over 50°C and it took you about an hour. There were no fat fifth engineers!

I preferred the 12-4 watch because after four in the morning the third engineer and I would put our swimmers on, dangle our feet in the swimming pool (a steel tank about thirty feet square), enjoy an ice cold beer and watch the sunrise. Tropical sunrises at sea are something else! Then we would turn in.

It was around this time that I landed in jail overnight. I promise you my one and only sojourn in such an establishment. It happened because I had saved up to buy a particular short wave band radio. It was popular amongst seafarers because you could get the BBC and other stations wherever you were in the world. At that time Aden was the place to buy watches, cameras, radios, etc as they were a fraction of the UK price so along with the fourth engineer from Liverpool and the third engineer Jock from Glasgow (where else?) set off ashore to buy my radio. Jock was a haggling perfectionist and determined to get me the lowest price possible but it was thirsty work shopping in the heat of Aden so we had a cold beer, or two, etc. We were quite merry by the time we were arrested for shop lifting and put in the local clink. We were definitely very sober the next morning in court in front of a Welsh magistrate. The fourth engineer admitted in court to the offence totally unbeknown to Jock and I. He was given three months with hard labour – in a hell hole like Aden!

The padre of the local seaman’s mission visited him regularly as did our Captain since the vessel was regularly trading there so we learnt that he survived.

As for Jock and I we had to write a letter of apology to the Board of Directors even though the crime was absolutely nothing to do with us. It was a very old fashioned company.

After some leave I was demoted back to engineer apprentice and sent to the ‘bad boys ship’. More of that next time.


Frampton Gardening Club

Our March meeting felt quite spring like; mainly because I drove there in daylight and the clocks were going forward. On Saturday our speaker was Philip Madison, the gardener from Harrington Hall. Philip was working at the Hall before the fire that destroyed the original building and watched it rise again like a phoenix from the ashes. He showed slides of the Hall before, during and after the fire and illustrated how it looks now.

Mainly it was the restoration of the garden after years of neglect which was his pride and joy. The current owners have spent a great deal of money on the resurrection of the kitchen garden: replacing crumbling greenhouses, redesigning the layout, rebuilding walls, clearing out ponds, installing a swimming pool and tennis courts and planting beautiful herbaceous borders. There was an interesting story about the changing rooms by the swimming pool.

Originally it was the tennis club's pavilion which was in a bad state of repair but as it was a listed building it couldn't be destroyed. The present owner of Harrington bought it for £1 and spent thousands making it into the beautiful pavilion it is today with shower rooms, kitchen, etc. This was a lovely interesting talk given by a man who loves his work - lucky Philip.

On the 29th May we have our AGM and a social night with supper.

Pauline Chubb


Around the homes - News from the Chestnuts

On March 17th St. Patrick’s Day, the Monday Club combined with the Pop In and invited the residents of the Chestnuts to a lovely tea. It was much enjoyed and appreciated by all who attended.

We had a wonderful display of snowdrops around the chestnut trees this year and we are now at Easter time enjoying the display of daffodils and crocus and some dwarf tulips. Just a pity about the cold wind! The leaf buds of the chestnut trees are just beginning to open.
Father David Carney comes to us for a monthly communion service which is attended by several of our residents. We all do our best to join in the hymn singing making the service a happy occasion.

Eileen had a birthday on the 27th although she and Laura were staying at Dawlish at the time, and Joan Cowham celebrated hers on the last day of March.
We still enjoy our Bingo Sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday and our Dominoes on Monday. We also enjoy our fish and chip lunch together on alternate Saturdays.

Tony Mathieson


Kirton Kids Club

This month has again gone so fast and the Club has been very busy and a hive of activity as usual. Both breakfast and after school sessions were very well attended and the children have enjoyed numerous activities.

The most excitement has been caused by the attendance of the police in the form of Community Police Officer Mathew Breathwick. Mathew had been working in the village and walked with Kids’ Club staff and children from school to the Youth Centre. Mathew talked to the children and let them try on his hat and reflective jacket as well as showing them his batten and hand cuffs.

I think this must have been one of the very few occasions that the children were thrilled to be able to be put into handcuffs – even though their hands were too small to actually stay in them.
Mathew answered questions from the children about the police, his uniform and his equipment.
I’d like to thank Matt for this impromptu workshop and I know the children really enjoyed it.

The Kids’ Club is open for the first week of the Easter Holidays, the May half term (if there are enough parents interested) and the first three weeks of the school summer holidays – as well as being open every morning and afternoon of the school term.

If you wish to book your child/children a place or would like more information about the holiday clubs please phone 722426 after one pm each day or pop in during club times.


The Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

We had a well attended meeting on the 13th March to hear Jenny Parker’s talk on the River Witham. Jenny loves water and when she lived in Surrey she had a boat on the Thames which she missed very much when she came to Lincolnshire. She was very drawn to the rivers here and decided to find the source of the Witham and follow its route to the sea.

This entailed a lot of walking for her and her husband but they passed through many pretty villages, saw old water mills and learnt much of the history of the people and places thereabout. This was passed on to us by way of Jenny’s watercolours and interesting talk. Previously Jenny had given us a talk about the Thames and also showed us some lovely watercolours but she is a multi-talented lady and has given many talks on London, Kings and Queens, doll making and of course the ballet since she was a dancer for many years. Her talks are always interesting and much appreciated.

Pauline Chubb


The Mothers Union

Our May meeting is on Wednesday the 14th at 7.15 pm in the Methodist Hall when we welcome PC Adam Eden as our speaker. He will talk to us about Neighbourhood Policing in and around Kirton.

The title of the meeting is ‘Community Relationship’. On May 19th there will be a Deanery meeting at St. Michael’s Frampton West and the speaker is Peter Strickland from ‘Olive Tree’ Christian Resource Centre and Tea Shop, Old Bolingbroke. This meeting is at 7.30 pm.

Helen Airey


Parish Council News - Boston Borough Council Green Waste Collection

The fortnightly green waste collection dates have been finalised as:-

May 10th / 31st,
June 14th /28th,
July 12th /26th,
August 9th /30th,
September 13th / 27th
and October 11th / 25th. Any queries phone 01205 31111

0945 - Willington Road, Kirton End
1030 - Town Hall car park
1115 - King Street/London Road junction
1200 - Middlecott School
1230 - Marketstead Estate entrance
1230 - Lighton Avenue, open space – the triangle
1300 - Lenton Way
1300 - Dennis Estate, cul-de-sac at No 30
1300 - Hardwick Estate, opposite flats

For further information visit www.thelocalchannel.co.uk/kirton


Rainsong by Enid Pearson

Soft summer rain
Quenching nature’s thirst again;
A lazy cat moves from under the trees,
Blossom descends in the merest of breeze.

Pearly rainclouds silently drift;
Dandelions drink the gift.
Birds are singing all day long,
Each one knows a summer song;

And summer days are at their start
To lift each weary troubled heart.
Every dawn holds new delights
With long warm days and restful nights,

Bright new flowers, leaves and buds,
Bluebells in the quiet woods;
And after the sun, the soft refrain
Of gentle, peaceful, summer rain.

Editor’s Note: Perhaps we are a little early in the season but we are all optimists and the summer is coming!


Local Policing

During March there have been 4 reports of antisocial behaviour. They are as follows: 2 reports of Inconsiderate Behaviour, 1 report of Throwing Things and 1 report of Vehicle Nuisance.

Are you suffering from anti social behaviour? Please call the local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 01205 722002. If they are not available please call 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency. Please remember that Kirton is your village and if you see any form of anti social behaviour please report it.

As summer is approaching, hopefully with better weather than last year, gardening is on the agenda. Your garden, as well as your house, has valued possessions that thieves would love to steal. It also has equipment that could help them break into your house.

Most burglars are lazy. They look for easy ways of getting into a house or garden. By taking a few simple precautions you can reduce the risk of being burgled and make your house and garden more secure.

What you can do:
1) Put away all tools and equipment and ensure that all outside sheds and store cupboards are securely locked when not in use.

2) Bring the tools inside if you do not have a garden shed or outbuilding.

3) Use plant protection - such as thorny shrubs.

4) Install outside security lighting, which comes on automatically.

5) If you have a burglar alarm, why not extend it to cover outbuildings and sheds?

6) Photograph valuable garden plants or ornaments.

7) Mark your property with your postcode. This makes stolen property easier to trace and it can be positively identified as yours.

8) Check that your household insurance policy covers theft from your garden and outbuildings.
Property marking kits can be purchased at www.immobilise.com/products. You can also register any personal items at this site. For further information regarding www.immobilise.com please call the neighbourhood policing team.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden
Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family

9th March - Lauren Ann Louise Robinson
30th March - Bradley John Bramley
30th March - Archie Levi Lee Smith-Hoey

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping

12th March - Lily Grey
18th March - George Flockhart Ross
18th March - George Robert Fryer
26th March - Charles (Chas) Henry Smith
26th March - Constance (Connie) Harriet Lawson
31st March - Mary Elizabeth Potter
1st April - Shirley Elizabeth Horry



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations
which are much appreciated.

Mothers Union £10.00

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope